3 Best Multigrain Attas in India For Healthy Diet
Feeding your kids healthy foods right from the start is one of the best possible ways to lay a healthy foundation for your kid's growth and health in the future. Choosing the best Multigrain atta for a healthy and active lifestyle can be a tough choice to make.
Here are the 3 Best Multigrain Atta in India For Healthy Diet
First Atta Multi-Grain Whole Wheat Flour
Let your family experience the yummy delight of soft parathas, muffins, and pizzas. The convenience of using good quality Whole Wheat Flour makes these dishes extremely nourishing. Made with 5 high-benefit ingredients, the wheat of this atta has been gradually water milled to retain all its natural nutritional goodness. Bringing out the perfect mix of taste and nourishment, for your family's satisfaction. The First Atta Flour is super versatile, so you can introduce your children to essential nutrients through exciting meals they'll love, like pizzas, rotis, and parathas.

Smart Sweet Flour
When you want your kid to enjoy healthy desserts (especially pancakes), the Feed Smart Smart Flour is your go to product. Loaded with superfoods, just add your choice of sweetener and it's ready to go! Created to be the smartest member of your kitchen, this protein-rich flour blends well with all your favorite pasty recipes. Be it cookies or tasty muffins, our blended mix of millet grains and mung beans will provide your little one with the slow-burning carbs they need for sustained energy.
Smart Brahmi Millet Dosa Mix
There are 9 powerful ingredients in this Dosa blend (such as Brahmi powder and roasted flaxseeds) that enhance the taste and nutritional quality of the Dosas. You may choose to let the batter ferment for around 2 hours before using it and keep it overnight if you like that tangy taste of the fermented batter.
Also Read: Top 5 Benefits of Using Organic Spices
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